How Can I Conquer My Fear?

As I sit here watching the TV series “Twisted”, one witness says “I tried to kick him down the stairs but I don’t think I touched him.  I was too scared.”  This reminded me of how afraid everyone has become in our society today and how rare it is to … Continue reading

Freeman On The Land, Libertarian or Anarchy

I often use the terms Freeman on the Land or Libertarian  interchangeably, however, in the strictest sense they aren’t.  I’ll attempt to bring some understanding into the differences and why I group both groups together with the Anarchists.  All three groups are quite different but all three also have some … Continue reading

The Problem With Your Enslavement

There is another scam going around similar to the O.P.P.T. scam of last year.  Once again a group of lawyers are claiming that you are a “slave of the system” and that they have the solution to how you can be liberated.  All you have to do is send $30 … Continue reading

Freeman Rights, Freedom, and What is Going On Lately?

I’ve been noticing lately that there has been a lot of discord amongst the freeman on the land & alternative media folks.  First, I don’t know why Vinny Eastwood would have even wanted to get into the discussion of freeman concepts with Thomas Sheridan and second, who really cares what … Continue reading

Understanding the Full You and Your Relationship to Law.

Although many of my posts so far have been about the law movement and how to win in court, that was not my full intention with creating this blog.  I mean exercising these rights and doing those things are fun, they are fun because they are so basic and “preschool” … Continue reading