What is a Virus?


There are a lot of people going around these days trying to tell you what is a virus. Many of these people are doctors and scientists as well as amateur researchers. There are people saying “wear a mask”, “social distance”, etc. to stop the spread and others are saying take vitamins and minerals and live a healthy life and you’ll naturally stop the spread. There is one major problem in all of this talk from all of these views.

The Problem

There is no such thing as a virus!!! Now when I say that you may think to yourself, “This man is insane. He obviously isn’t seeing what’s going on”. To that I have to respond that I see everything going on right now.

Not only am I a local trucker delivering goods around SW Ontario but I read, listen and question everything that I’m being told. Masks do not work. IF there were a virus the mask would be like setting up a chain link fence to stop mosquitos. The openings between the fibers of the mask, any mask, is too large to stop a virus from passing through it.

Death rates are lower in 2020 than in the previous two years overall. LOWER DEATH RATES ARE NOT A PANDEMIC! Check your local statistics. Check the global statistics. You’ll see that everyone is allegedly dying of CoVid these days and the totals are down. No one is dying of heart disease, from cancer, from anything. They are all being attributed to CoVid.

Where do I get this Virus Quackery From?

Well let’s start with Dr. Andrew Kaufman. This man is a virologist who has become very outspoken about viruses and the situation going on around the world lately. Click on his name and go through his site. I’m sure you’ll find him quite interesting to listen to.

Next, regarding masks, you may wish to investigate Dr. Sherri Tenpenny. Dr. Tenpenny is a very outspoken anti-vaxxer who can provide you with tons of ACTUAL scientific evidence on masks and vaccines but don’t stop there.

Medical Journals Explaining What is a Virus

Wissenschafftplus is a medical journal out of, if I recall correctly, Germany. In the last quarter of 2020 they published an article explaining exactly how and where the study of virology split and why the virologists on TV and other media should be in jail. You can download and read it below but the article makes clear how they have NEVER proven a virus to exist and all the tests they claim to have been done are falsified.


In summary, if you’ve spent some time away from America’s Got Talent and read and watched something educational, you probably came to the same conclusion I did. They never have proven any virus exists. The “science” behind viruses is faked and a hoax in the interests of personal gain. And finally, THERE IS NO VIRUS!!!! I wish doctors and researchers and others would stop using that term and stop misleading the public.

About Rob

I have over 10 years experience assisting people at looking at their problems and shifting focus so that they can begin to resolve the issues at hand. I don't "practice" psychological principles or homeopathic disciplines, I actually help real people learn how to shift their focus and see things in a different light. A light where they have the power and ability to resolve their issues practically and successfully.
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