How Can I Conquer My Fear?

The Enemy id FearAs I sit here watching the TV series “Twisted”, one witness says “I tried to kick him down the stairs but I don’t think I touched him.  I was too scared.”  This reminded me of how afraid everyone has become in our society today and how rare it is to see someone stand up for themselves against oppressors.  These people must constantly ask themselves “How can I conquer my fear?”  In this post I will attempt to answer that question and help you stand up for your unalienable rights.

A friend of mine from the military had joined because he was granted the option in court of either signing up or going to jail for possession of restricted weapons and drugs as well as being involved in organized crime.  He was a Biker when he was arrested to give sufficient background as to what he was doing.  An interesting fact is that he was afraid.

Another friend of mine from the military was involved in the Montreal Biker Wars in the early ’90s.  He too was afraid.  These two men were trained for combat in the military yet they were hiding from a fear.  What could two “tough guys” be afraid of so badly?  Death.  It’s always a fear of death.  Even fears of physical harm or suffering are still fears of death.  Beyond that what can another do to you?

Most people agree with Friedrich Nietzsche when he said “That which doesn’t kill us makes us stronger.”  People join training camps everyday and suffer through voluntary pain to improve some aspect of their lives.  These various camps and programs inflict some degree of physical and personal suffering so the member can improve a specific aspect of their life; be it sports, career or addiction recovery.  Pain is indicative of growth as many children discover when they ache from  their own physical development.  Pain is a natural part of life and part of our physical protection systems so it’s not pain that we fear although we don’t overly enjoy pain if we are somewhat normal.

Another aspect of our natural defenses is the innate sense of avoiding danger.  This danger avoidance, however, obviously isn’t to avoid pain as most people believe; it’s to avoid death.  Survival is natural and all living things have survival instincts be they animals or plants; everything does all it can to survive.  This is where we run into our problem with fear as humans.  We feel that our survival is so threatened by things around us that we become frozen with fear.  We fear imaginary terrorists and allow real ones to dictate to us how we should live.  We fear not having enough money to survive but never look at the fact that money is just a means of getting something from someone else and that nature has provided all we need to survive.  We fear statutes and legislation that has been unanimously ruled in every superior court in every country to NOT apply to private persons and businesses.

Why do we fear these things so much?  Part of it is because we believe the lies we were told growing up and part of it is because our survival instincts tell us that a psychopath with a gun should be obeyed.  With these concepts in mind we need to ask ourselves two things when we are facing a fearful situation:

  1. Is this really a life threatening situation?
  2. Is this fight worth losing my life over?

In the first situation chances are your situation isn’t a life threatening one.  That’s not to say the cop you’re talking to isn’t the one person most likely to kill for no reason and if they show signs of such then you need to disarm the situation immediately by getting it on the record that you will comply as long as it’s understood it’s under duress and fear for your life.  The cop will likely accept that and stay any further violence against you.  Once dealing with the lawyers you can use this later against the alleged offense charges you committed.

Is this fight worth losing your life over?  Well that is a very personal question and only you can answer it.  What is the fight?  It’s almost always a human (unalienable) rights violation and all violations of such sort should be fought to the death in my opinion.  The oppression of people needs to end in all forms all over this planet.  Especially when in most western countries, USA excluded due to excessive fascist activities recently, you are NOT likely to be beat or killed for defending your unalienable rights.  You may be arrested and inconvenienced but that’s not life threatening and you may enjoy the holiday.  I always do.Courage

So when you consider these two questions and you decide that survival is possible and it is worth the fight what do you do next?  Well that is where a very seriously misunderstood word comes into play.  The word “Courage”.  Most people wished they had courage and as a result do nothing in the face of fear because they see courage as something one needs to overcome fear.  The fact is that courage is perhaps the greatest demonstration of love because it is acting against a threat DESPITE the fear you feel.

Combatants that attack machine gun nests, women who fight crocodiles to save their child and firefighters who storm into burning buildings don’t do these things for the sake of courage.  They do them for the love they feel towards their fellow man.  Virgil, a first century BC poet, told us “Love conquers all.” and I believe Virgil was right.  I’m not talking about the romantic love everyone lusts after with sexual enthusiasm but rather the true love that one man can feel towards another.  It’s the love that is willing to sacrifice as opposed to the love that is demands self gratification.  It is this love that generates the “I don’t care this is worth dieing for” mentality that brings the courage in the face of fear to conquer the enemy at hand.

If you would like to try some techniques to build the mind set to build these abilities and conquer your fears of all kinds I suggest you listen to the Covert Mind Audio Files in my Free Membership area.  I’ve listened to them all and have used and do use them for myself to maintain the mental attitudes required to build and maintain confidence.  It’s not only useful for dealing with courts and cops but also for building the business you always wanted and when doing job interviews.  They work for any situation where you may feel nervous or fearful.

Until next time I wish you all Peace and Prosperity,



About Rob

I have over 10 years experience assisting people at looking at their problems and shifting focus so that they can begin to resolve the issues at hand. I don't "practice" psychological principles or homeopathic disciplines, I actually help real people learn how to shift their focus and see things in a different light. A light where they have the power and ability to resolve their issues practically and successfully.
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