The Thought Police are at it Again …

Santos BinacciSantos Binacci arrested for thinking differently than the “norm”. It appears that George Orwell was correct.  In his book 1984 George wrote about what he called “thought police”.  These are people who were hired by the government to control what and how people think.  If you didn’t think as the government wanted you to think then they would arrest you and attempt to retrain you so you think as you should.

It appears that this is actually happening today on this planet.  In late November a man named Dean Clifford was arrested in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada for speaking and teaching free will and “do as you will but harm none”.  Dean is considered by the courts to be a “Freeman on the Land” guru and teacher of disobedience.  He drives without a license and refuses to pay income taxes or property taxes.  Dean was arrested previously in February of 2013 and held in solitary confinement for 16 of 26 days in detention.  The reason for solitary?  Because his political views were dangerous.

Dean was released back in February and all 17 charges against him that time were stricken.  That means that as far as the records show, Dean was never arrested or charged.  This time he is still in prison fighting for his rights to be recognized properly.

Santos Bonacci is another man who believes that governments are out of control and need to be reeled in.  He was arrested earlier today in Queensland Australia for essentially the same reasons.  Santos takes a more spiritual approach to matters than Dean does and has recently been co-hosting a radio show with Kate of Gaia.

I’ve listened to both of these men and personally met both Kate and Dean.  In my opinion the only crimes they have committed are those of being free thinking independent people.  I may not agree with everything they teach and believe but that is supposed to be the essence of our society.  In the western world we are told that we are free and we should be proud of such.  We are then told that we must do as we are told or we will be arrested.  What an oxymoron that is.  Either we are free to think and live as we please or we are not.

Merely having the “right” to vote every four years does not equal freedom.  Hitler was voted into power and the soviet empire voted every four years under the communist regime.  Voting never had and never will equal freedom so long as there are people in positions of alleged authority who desire to tell you what to think and how to act.  There is no freedom so long as unnecessary taxes are imposed on individuals in order to steal their freedoms.  The Boston Tea Party and hence the independence of the united States of America was over taxes so why would it not be the same today.

It is my opinion that these men are wrongfully arrested and should be released immediately.  It is further my opinion that “governments” have gotten out of control and forgotten their true place in society.  We need to take back the power and we need to return justice to our lands.  All of us.  Let’s all begin to re-educate and work to restoring law and order to this planet.  Only then can true peace be achieved and the damage to the planet be repaired.


About Rob

I have over 10 years experience assisting people at looking at their problems and shifting focus so that they can begin to resolve the issues at hand. I don't "practice" psychological principles or homeopathic disciplines, I actually help real people learn how to shift their focus and see things in a different light. A light where they have the power and ability to resolve their issues practically and successfully.
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