Freeman on the Land and Logical Fallacy

2 wrongs make a right? logical fallacyI’ll admit that, like most freedom seekers, I looked into Freeman on the Land ideologies and listened to many of the reasonably local leaders and teachers. Guys like Robert Menard, Dean Clifford, and a man who calls himself “Eternally Aware”. I’ve looked into the Solutions In Commerce folks and listened to a lot of Winston Shrout too. What I’ve found with them is one Logical Fallacy after another and consistent losses when it counts.

I’ve questioned them when possible, I’ve watched YouTube videos of these people in courts and I’ve consistently requested for any and all evidence they have to support their claims. The responses were typical of people who are filled with biases, lack the knowledge and awareness of Logical Fallacies, and the ability to reason.

I’m not saying that these people are stupid. I’m not saying that they lack the desire to learn Truth. I’m not even implying any negativity towards these people on any mental capacity to learn new things. I AM criticizing these people on their ability to use logic and reason, much of which is due to the probability that they’ve never been taught how to think and reason. They’ve probably never been taught what a bias or Logical Fallacy really even is.

This is not from a lack of knowledge as the information is out there but rather from ignorance and their unwillingness to look into things that can teach them HOW to think and not WHAT to think. It’s from being lazy and accepting the quickest solution they can find. It’s caused from their own biases that they don’t even see within themselves.

When one talks about “the straw man” and the “corporate person” and asks for their evidence they simply reply, “do your research”. That means to them “go watch YouTube videos”. YouTube isn’t a legal dictionary. It isn’t a reliable source for anything, in fact, as anyone can put up anything they want on there. YouTube is an open video site where anyone can express anything they like. Many of these ideologies are wholly tainted with biases.

For one to be successful in court you don’t need cut and paste documents or “repeat after me” statements. What you need is to understand what a Logical Fallacy is and how to defeat them. Courts are typically filled with fallacies that are never opposed and adding more will do you no good. You can learn these things by reading about them online here. Or you can download a copy of 42 Fallacies by Dr. Michael C. LaBossiere here.

Dr. LaBossiere’s book is totally free and not only lists the fallacies but also provides explanations and examples. It’s clear and concise and I highly recommend it for education and reference. I think once you learn these two things, biases and fallacies you’ll discover how the lack of knowledge is the greatest hindrance to true freedom from tyranny.

Until next time I wish you all peace and prosperity,




About Rob

I have over 10 years experience assisting people at looking at their problems and shifting focus so that they can begin to resolve the issues at hand. I don't "practice" psychological principles or homeopathic disciplines, I actually help real people learn how to shift their focus and see things in a different light. A light where they have the power and ability to resolve their issues practically and successfully.
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  1. I’m not familiar with the declaration you are referring to. I’m not from the corporation you call the US. And the “Supreme Law” doesn’t come from man, it comes from the Creator.

    • The Declaration was made on the signing/ascension of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights. 173 Countries have signed/ratified/ascended these human rights that our fore-mothers and fore-fathers created as law of the lands to stop tyranny. Common Law is Moon Law from the “Creator” i.e. the 10 commandments. So we do agree brother. But the State Parties (aka countries) have pulled the wool over our eyes and force us into servitude. Some countries don’t hide the fact that the International Bill of Rights are the “Rule of Law” over any State Party’s Constitution. Either Canada, USA, or any other Corporation.

      If you are good with being a class of “person” and are happy with your life, then ok. I just saw your publication on the “free man on the land” and I agree, it’s not the proper way to uphold “common law” as one would be labelled a vexatious litigant.

      If you agree to converse more, I’d be glad to, else, have a great day.

      Peace, Love and Cheers.

  2. Very professionally written. I have a question for you with regard to the United States signing the international covenant on civil and political rights. Keeping in mind that the ICCPR and ICESCR hold the “rule of law” or Supreme Law governing Corporate Constitutions..

    What does this mean?
    “(1) That the United States declares that the provisions of articles 1 through 27 of the Covenant are not self-executing.

    Peace, Love and Cheers!

    • Self-Executing

      Anything (e.g., a document or legislation) that is effective immediately without the need of intervening court action, ancillary legislation, or other type of implementing action.

      A constitutional provision is self-executing when it can be given effect without the aid of legislation, and there is nothing to indicate that legislation is intended to make it operative. For example, a constitutional provision that any municipality by vote of four-sevenths of its qualified electors may issue and sell revenue bonds in order to pay for the cost of purchasing a municipally owned public utility is self-executing and effective without a legislative enactment.

      Constitutional provisions are not self-executing if they merely set forth a line of policy or principles without supplying the means by which they are to be effectuated, or if the language of the constitution is directed to the legislature. As a result, a constitutional provision that the legislature shall direct by law in what manner and in what court suits may be brought against the state is not self-executing.

      Just as with constitutional provisions, statutes and court judgments can be self-executing.


      adj. immediately effective without further action, legislation or legal steps. Some statutes are self-executing, as are some legal rights (such as when a person holds property as security, title may pass automatically when payments are not made). Most judgments in lawsuits are not self-executing and are only documents giving the winning party the right to try to collect.

      I hope that clears it up for you.

      • Thanks for the response.

        So how would you interpret the declaration that was signed by the US that holds the human rights and freedoms that are not clearly defined in many constitutions. As we know the Supreme Law is in the International Covenants.

        Peace, Love and cheers!

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