Apathy is Neutrality and Neutrality is Consent

Apathy and NeutralityRecently a member was explaining to me his feelings and emotions regarding the current political environment that we find ourselves immersed in.  He expressed many emotions that I can fully relate to including but not limited to anger, frustration, and hostility.  These emotions weren’t focused on myself, this site, or even the general population of people who make up the communities around us.  It was at the very core of the problems and where they come from: government and their corporate political system.

The “System” is Defunct

There are many people out there right now doing all they can to stop the collapse of the system and the awakening of the people.  Some are blatantly inside the system and directly profit from it such as police, lawyers and politicians while others may or may not be insiders and their purpose is highly unclear.

Those who are less easily identified consistently attempt to accomplish nothing for progress and slander randomly targeted individuals whom they feel are a threat to the current status quo.  I will reserve the mentioning of names since these people don’t deserve even the most negative of publicity.   It’s never difficult to find them though.  They jump at every rising individual and attack the very core concepts of independence and liberty.

I have touched before on these topics and will come at them again in the future.  For now there is another problem brought forth in my discussions with this member that hits closer to home.  It points at the readers of this very site.  It points at the very core of why we lost our freedoms.  It points at the “movement” members claiming they want to bring down the corrupt system and it’s leaders.  That problem is the general apathy of the public and the people who have begun to wake up.

The Problem of Apathy

Noun 1. apathy – an absence of emotion or enthusiasm

2. apathythe trait of lacking enthusiasm for or interest in things generally

Copied from The Free Dictionary at http://www.thefreedictionary.com/apathy

 Now I have met many people online and off who are interested in creating real fundamental changes to the world around us and many of them are highly passionate and motivated towards that change.  Some of these people I agree with, while others I respectfully accept their views as being different so long as they agree to respect my rights and liberties to live as I please “so long as we harm none”.

The apathy, however, is rampant and in my opinion intentional by the political system.  From the time we first learn to walk and talk we are oppressed by our parents who never seem to have time for us.  We are then passed on to a public indoctrination system that is more like “A Brave New World” than a personal development program.  We attend Churches and Mosques and believe lies about our religions learning to fear and hate anyone who is different.  And when all that is complete and you are now “old enough to know better” cops come along and beat you into submission because you didn’t follow some stupid rule that some alien legislature you have nothing to do with created.

The Frustration Has Been Earned

To be strong is to learn from the pain.I understand the fear and apathy of the masses.  They’ve been deceived for so long and told conflicting stories about everything they ever cared about.  They are confused and don’t know where or how to repair the issues they see and are most concerned about.  One NPO after another comes to their doors asking for money while promising that they can solve the climate issues or save the wales or whatever fictitious problem they can convince you to believe in.

I’m not saying there aren’t real problems that we all face as stewards of this great planet called Earth.  I’m saying corporatism, the inhumane greedy system that got us to this point, is NEVER going to get us out of here.  The solutions are not to vote for a new party this election.  It’s not to donate more money to some “world whatever association”.  The solution is to stop consenting and stop buying into their lies.

The Way Forward Is To Go Back

Stop buying every new toy or gadget they show you.  Gadgets made with “slave labour” in poor countries where the people are also confused and see those jobs as the only way to a better future.  The way to a better future is to go back.  Go back to smaller and closer caring communities and leaving the monster cities to rot.  Go back to growing your own foods and share and exchange them with your neighbors.  Go back to acknowledging that we are all responsible for the damages we have done because we supported and allowed the corporations to commit those crimes.  And we continue to do this by buying from them.

We need to go back to caring about someone other than just ourselves and build families and communities again.  That is the way forward.  By going back to nature and learning and feeling that all nature and all life is one created by some greater power than we have ever been able to fully comprehend.  By learning that killing spiders kills flies and killing flies kills fish and that fish are part of our eco-f00d system given us by nature.  Learning what we already know and have seen, written in countless documents: that no man is greater than another and no man has the right to control or manipulate another.


We need to stop the infestation of apathy and remove our consent.  Don’t ask me how to do this because that is one of the most basic things any two year old knows how to do.  You simply say “No” and refuse to comply.  Sure there will be knocks and bruises from it but no life form grows with out pain and struggle.  We need to stand up and defend our fellow man not just record the events for YouTube or Facebook.

I cheer when I see videos of cops assaulting a man and crowds storm in to his defense.  I’m glad people are beginning to stand up and assault murderers who believe a badge gives them super powers.  Let’s just try and get the ones known to be doing it can we?  Let’s allow those who may still be confused the opportunity to learn, awaken and change sides.  But let’s never let those who have designed a system of lies, theft and deceit to ever have a safe place to run to as they will only come back again.  Next time to deceive our children when we aren’t looking.

Until next time I wish all who love freedom and humanity peace and blessings,


P.S.  Since writing this a friend shared this statement: “Whereas defined pursuant to; Supreme Court Annotated Statue: CRUDEN vs. NEALE, 2 N.C. 338 2 S.E. 70 “The state citizen is immune from any and all government attacks and procedure. see, Dred Scott vs. Sanford. 60 U.S. (19 How.) 393 or as the Supreme Court has stated clearly, “…every man is independent of all laws, except those prescribed by nature. He is not bound by any institutions formed by his fellowmen without his consent”.”

About Rob

I have over 10 years experience assisting people at looking at their problems and shifting focus so that they can begin to resolve the issues at hand. I don't "practice" psychological principles or homeopathic disciplines, I actually help real people learn how to shift their focus and see things in a different light. A light where they have the power and ability to resolve their issues practically and successfully.
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  1. your comments in the p.s. part of your blog the two court cases where can I look them up.


    • They are US Supreme Court decisions so where ever those are stored online. I’m on Canada and we use CanLII. If you are up here you could search there for Canadian decisions. If anyone knows where the US Court rulings are stored can you please answer this question?


    • Kevin, simply google the reference :
      CRUDEN vs. NEALE, 2 N.C. 338 2 S.E. 70 “The state citizen is immune from any and all government attacks and procedure. see, Dred Scott vs. Sanford. 60 U.S. (19 How.) 393


  2. I first want to say thank you Rob, for no more honest words have been spoken. Your insight and empathy are keen and clear.

    Our world is one world. The lines of government that separates us are a fiction and a lie propagated by liars, thieves and murderer’s. We are one people on one world whom all suffer from the same usurpers.

    We have only to claim our freedom and stand up for it and fight for it. We far out number the few who suppress us. We will win the day.

    I highly recommend everyone to look up:

    Lysander Spooner and his book
    No Treason- A Constitution of no Authority
    You can find it on YouTube and listen to it if you wish. It is a bit over an hour long but very very worth the time.

    If you honestly what to know what is going on with government and the world take the time to listen to this book.

    • I am very familiar with Lysander Spooner’s writ “No Treason”. Written only about 60 years after the writing of the constitution of the united States of America he makes very valid and solid arguments that that writing, the constitution, is exactly as Barry Soetoro said it was, “just a piece of paper” and thus worthless. As Marc says, however, Barry was wrong. It’s 4 pieces of paper. 😉

      I will be uploading that specific book and others that I personally enjoy but came across a problem with the site today and need to resolve that soonest.


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