Acting Lessons and Law?


Act on your impulse and if it doesn't work - Take 2.I’ve been struggling the past few days trying to get videos to upload to the site here so I can share with you the lessons I have been asked to provide.  As I’ve been doing this the thought occurred to me that as we go through life we are all just acting out our own unique roles.  In fact, each of us act out several different roles every day.  Some may be acting as Mother or Father while later or earlier in the day they were acting as a mechanic or accountant at work.

The point I am trying to make here is that the universe is not what it appears to be and we are the creators of our own reality.  What you choose to be at this moment is not what you will choose to be in 5 or 10 minutes.  So what will change in that time to make you be some one or some thing else?  You, and who you wish to be in that moment.  The nurturing mother, the protective father and the angry drunk can all exist within the same consciousness.  It is possible for the same person to play all of those roles at different times.  So how do we learn to control these “personalities”?

Personally I keep forgetting about a man in my past named Don Globa.  Don wasn’t just the man who tormented me as a teen in Montgomery Jr High about my bad Coronet playing and my dislike for practicing.  Don was also a Drama teacher in Bowness High and I took his class in my final semester of high school.  Yes, I took acting classes and learned how to separate the reality I was portraying from the reality of myself.  Yet that is what we all do every minute of every day  we exist in this reality.

I’d like you to stop and think for one second and consider who and what you are.  Look deep inside and search for your true you.  Can you see it?  Can you see who or what you really are?  You aren’t a teacher or a cabinet maker.  You aren’t a mother or a father.  You are a single piece of consciousness that we call God, and you create your reality as you go.  With that in mind, I’d like to propose to you that when you are facing that “authority”  figure called a justice or lawyer that they are also “acting” out a role that they believe in.

If you were to “act” as a person who has no idea or clue what they are talking about and demand that they show evidence of their claims, what does that do to their alleged authority?  You intrinsically know what it does, if you think  for a half a second.  It removes it completely until they can prove how, when and where they were granted authority over you.  It makes them into the psychopathic oppressors that they really are.

Now before you start ranting about how that is the point, and about how that is how they win, because they are psychopathic oppressors and they will use force, think.  Do they want to use force?  No.  Do they want it to be seen as that is all they have to use should you not consent to their authority?  No. The bottom line is they don’t want anyone to see or expose what they really are, and they will scurry like rats in the light when it’s brought to the forefront.

So how can you learn to do this, you ask.  May I suggest acting classes?  Join a local acting guild or if you’re a member of a church offer to teach in some manner.  Join Toastmasters if they still exist or any other such group as will give you the opportunity to express yourself in public.  Learn to step out from that corner you’ve been hiding in and make your self known to the world around you and you will be surprised at the power you really have.

Until next time,



About Rob

I have over 10 years experience assisting people at looking at their problems and shifting focus so that they can begin to resolve the issues at hand. I don't "practice" psychological principles or homeopathic disciplines, I actually help real people learn how to shift their focus and see things in a different light. A light where they have the power and ability to resolve their issues practically and successfully.
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