Why We Should Stop Demanding A 9/11 Investigation.

9/11 MurdererRecently I came across some information and demands for investigation into the events of September 11, 2001.  In this information one group called Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth demanded an investigation into the events of the alleged September 11, 2001 attacks.  I see a major flaw with these actions and demands that I’ll explain here.

First, the physical evidence of the official story given by the private corporation calling itself the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA demonstrate the impossibility of their claims.  Jet fuel can NOT melt steel and you can’t even ignite high octane automotive fuel with a cigarette never mind cause the damage that occurred that day.

Second, we don’t need an investigation to discover what happened on 9/11 as we already know what occurred.  It’s self evident that the owner of the buildings, Larry Silverstein, intentionally had them destroyed and collected on a private insurance policy that he took out specifically for damages claimed to occur that day.

I could go on for decades about the reasons why we all know that 9/11 was an inside job but I’ll spare you the torment here and let you research it yourself if you don’t already know the facts.  What I will say is that we need to consider the results of the decisions made that day by the owner of the buildings and those that conspired with him.  What factually happened in regards to the destruction of the three buildings is a matter of private business and the decision is not our business.  The fact that thousands died from that decision is a matter of public interest, however.

It’s my claim that we stop demanding an investigation and that’s because we already know what occurred.  What we do need to demand is the same thing we should be demanding of all bankers and corporate politicians and that is for trials and convictions.

There is not one person out there that is involved with the corporate ownership of our nations that isn’t guilty to some extent.  There isn’t one banker out there that isn’t guilty of fraud and deception with the monetary system.  If you doubt these statements then I suggest you read your Bills of Exchange Act and other governing documents of the monetary system where you live.  You will find that a simple signature is what creates a bill of exchange (money) and not a bank.

 Where a simple signature on a blank paper is delivered by the signer in order that it may be converted into a bill, it operates, in the absence of evidence to the contrary, as an authority to fill it up as a complete bill for any amount, using the signature for that of the drawer or acceptor, or an endorser, and, in like manner, when a bill is wanting in any material particular, the person in possession of it has, in the absence of evidence to the contrary, the authority to fill up the omission in any way he thinks fit.

Bills of Exchange Act (R.S.C., 1985, c. B-4) http://laws.justice.gc.ca/eng/acts/b-4/FullText.html

It’s all fraud.  It’s all a lie.  September 11th is just another unfortunate scam that people were sold so the criminals could gain control and start wars to generate income.  In light of that we need not stop at September 11, 2001 and the murders committed by Larry that day and the consequential deaths as a result.  We need to demand any and all parties involved be held accountable, including Members of Parliament in assisting nations like Canada, UK, Australia and more.  We need to try these people for war crimes and murders around the globe and the consequential deaths not only in NYC but Iraq and Afghanistan as well.

I call for people to stop voting, stop following radical “gurus” who have no evidence of their claims.  I call for people to take back the legal system and to hold the traitors and organized criminals who’ve stolen it accountable.  We need not run from the legal persons created for our benefit.  We need not run from the courts and legal remedies created for our recompense.  We need to actually educate ourselves and learn how to use these tools.  And then we need to hold the actual criminals accountable for their actions.

Until next time I wish you peace and blessings,


About Rob

I have over 10 years experience assisting people at looking at their problems and shifting focus so that they can begin to resolve the issues at hand. I don't "practice" psychological principles or homeopathic disciplines, I actually help real people learn how to shift their focus and see things in a different light. A light where they have the power and ability to resolve their issues practically and successfully.
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  1. Hi Rob,

    Let’s go one more step. In the corporate document that outlines their rules of operation it very clearly states, “deriving it’s just powers from the consent of the governed”.

    The reality the most people fail to see it that they have no jurisdiction over us. There are no facts or evidence to support the contention that they do. By the very nature of the construct all laws, acts and statutes are rules for the “internal” operation of the corporation. They only apply to federal employees while conducting federal business.

    We don’t have to have a coup or stop voting or file for redress of grievances. We simply stop giving our consent. Any time they choose to intercede all you have to do is to ask for the facts and evidence that proves they have jurisdiction over you. They have none to present. It’s all by consent.

    A man who slumbers on his rights shall not be protected.

    Failure to object is to comply.

    The reality is that they have guns and force their will by violence. If you or I were to do what they do we would be in jail….plain and simple.

    Remember, they have no jurisdiction over you and I.

    • I agree with you and I do let them know that I do NOT consent every opportunity I can. My plea here is for others to join in and for the true majority (not the silent one’s we were told about) who don’t accept nor want the society we have to take the path it’s on to speak up. Too many for too long have allowed too much to rob us of liberties by acquiescence.

      As much as I hate to admit it because most people are simply overwhelmed with surviving in today’s system, acquiescence is consent and it has to stop. People shouldn’t need to labour 40 or more hours a week to survive. We need to restore a system of living and sharing and fuck the corporations. We need to grow food and farm and hunt and build again and stop being the corporate consumers the system requires to survive.

      I’m tired of hearing people slander anarchism because my grand parents were anarchists. They didn’t need to be told how to live they just did it as they pleased. Before my Grandma Smith passed she told me that she had seen enough. The world had changed too much for her to want to be part of anymore. She was 93 and born in 1898 if I remember right. Her husband (obviously my grandpa) gave up on life at the age of 67 and died two weeks after saying goodbye to my father. My grandpa said he had lived long enough and was tired of this world. I can understand his view.

      I believe that we need to end the corporatism that had infested our lives restore humanity and decency to this planet. We need to stop raping her for financial gain and start nurturing her for our mutual benefits. It’s not that I think anyone has authority (jurisdiction) over me but rather that I want the masses to wake up and realize what we already know. When that occurs on mass is when the people will again govern themselves and corporatism will end. The end of corporatism will result in the end of things like Fukashima, Guantanamo Bay, and the still leaking oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico to name just a few.

      Thank you for your support and comments. I appreciate them greatly.

      • Hi Rob,

        That was my point sir and now I will for it into a request. Your statement, “what we know” , is the key. People don’t know and don’t realize the simple fact of no jurisdiction. So long as person has caused no harm the simple question of, ” what facts or evidence do you have that the constitution and laws apply to me?”, is the winning question. They can present no facts or evidence.

        My request is that you write about it and educate people about the truth. They simply don’t know. I have all the supreme court cases, congressional records and other information on hand that I am happy to share should you decide to write about it. I believe it is the most effective and non violent way to shut the system down.

        Anarchy is the absence of rule not the absence of law.

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