Servants Refuse to Obey the Courts

First I must apologize to all of my loyal readers for not posting for some time.  I have been extremely busy lately and just haven’t had the time.  As you may already know I’ve been in the Superior courts attempting to get my pension back and have won in the interim only to have the servants refuse to comply and refuse to obey the courts orders.

You see there have been many discussions in the courts here in Canada regarding who has the authority to order what when it comes to the “crown”.  The end results have been that only the Superior Courts of the provinces can order damages and the Federal Court can only make “judicial decisions”.  That means that if you’ve been damaged by the crown the provincial courts have the power and authority to order reparations.  The Federal Court can only order for the illegal actions to be stopped but can’t order damages.  As a result it has been decided that should one seek damages against the crown their is no need for people to have to go to the Federal Court and then to the Superior Court but rather that the Superior Court can hear the whole of the matter and decide.

I have done that.  I have two (2) court orders for the Canadian Forces Pension Services to reinstate my pension unless and until the matter is decided that they even have the lawful right to garnish my pension.  Justice Broad and Justice Sloan have both ordered my pension be reinstated.  These are NOT stupid men and they did NOT make it easy on me to convince them to do so.  The orders were accepted by the Department of Justice and were not appealed.  That makes them standing legal orders.

Now supposedly we are all equal under the law and we all have the same equal rights.  That means that if I have to follow Superior court orders then so does every other person whether they be legal fictions or natural man.  Apparently the crown doesn’t feel this way, however.  I was informed by a woman calling herself Kelly-Beverly Richenhaller that she can’t obey those court orders as Canada Revenue Agency, one of the many great thieves of tax collection on this planet, won’t let her.  I find this odd, very very odd.

I’ve asked the local Member of Parliament “Is Canada ruled by Law?” and their response was to ask for my Social Insurance Number so they can inquire from C.R.A. to answer my question.  When the FUCK did C.R.A. become the law on this land and since when is a C.R.A. clerk able to change or command the laws?!?!?  In the middle of a federal election when they are trying to get reinstated I would think they’d be all over pleasing the people but they aren’t.  In fact, it seems they don’t give a rat’s ass about what the people think so why are they wasting resources traveling around trying to collect votes?

We the people need to stand up and do what is right.  We the people need to stop voting for these assholes and tell them to take their social services system and shove it up their collective asses.  We the people need to demand that ALL of the revenues in the consolidated fund gets distributed evenly among the people and the fed gets shut down as we don’t need it.  You may think you need their services but the fact is as soon as “government” gets involved the price of anything triples if not more.  They are leeches on our society and we don’t need them.  They need to be made to comply as servants or be imprisoned for breach of trust.  That’s what they do to soldiers who don’t follow orders and that’s what we should do to them when they refuse to obey the courts.

Peace and Prosperity,


Order of 13 August 2015



About Rob

I have over 10 years experience assisting people at looking at their problems and shifting focus so that they can begin to resolve the issues at hand. I don't "practice" psychological principles or homeopathic disciplines, I actually help real people learn how to shift their focus and see things in a different light. A light where they have the power and ability to resolve their issues practically and successfully.
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  1. Perhaps now it is time to move a civil claim against the (wo)man calling herself Kelly-Beverly Richenhaller for obstruction or theft or whatever you would consider the trespass or harm to be there. And bringing a claim against the man or woman who signed the theft order in the first place. Hold these idiots personally liable. It is painfully obvious that this is a shell game and remedy or “right doing” in their system does not exist.

    • I’m working on one final attempt before I file into the court for a motion to find them in contempt and go for arrests. This is in fact a civil claim for the tort violation of Breach of Fiduciary Duty against the people themselves. It’s just that being as it happened while in office the Dept. of Justice is defending for them.

  2. Your very welcome and thank you for the kind words of motivation. 🙂

  3. Thank you for bringing this awareness to others Rob.

    You are exposing much truth about those that operate the system.
    You certainly were one of the major keynotes that helped me see a whole different side of reality.

    The whole dimension, is kind of screwed up and not running in a sane manor.
    Slaves within a dimension.

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