You Must Create Change Within The System

Create ChangeThat’s what they tell us.  If you want to create change they say you must vote for a different politician or become active politically or nothing can happen.  You can become an activist, join or create an organization, or you can enter into politics yourself and that is how change comes about.

I ask you, however, when have you ever seen any substantive change in the political system?  When has any politician voted to lower their income or cut their personal benefits?  When have they ever voted against their own private corporations objectives or profit margins?  The answer is simple … NEVER!

Lately I’ve been watching some Roger Hayes, the Gray State and similar videos and I consistently see the same errors made over and over again.  I’m not saying these people don’t see the world as it really is.  I’m saying they are limited in their vision.

Good Intentions, Missed Targets

When libertarians and constitutionalists want the “government” to “do their jobs” they are completely missing the point as to what is actually going on.  These people who call themselves government ARE doing their jobs.  It’s the people who don’t know what those jobs are where the confusion exists.  You see these “officials” job is to do what is best for the corporation that they work for just as it’s your job to do what is best for your company or employer.

The only reason employees get benefits or privileges is if and when it can benefit the corporation.  Your boss only pays you because if he didn’t you wouldn’t come to work and do your job.  The only reason “governments” cut taxes or create policies in favor of the people is so that they can buy the people’s support and not because it’s the right or moral thing to do.

There Is No Morality

Morality doesn’t exist in a corporate world.  That’s why we have rules and guidelines that are “politically correct”.  There is no crime or harm in calling one man black and another white.  It’s the illusion of respect that is created in a dead corporate existence that is the difference.

The purpose of statutes if for this very reason.  Since corporations can’t determine right and wrong morally they must have black and white rules to tell them what is good and what is bad.  If you are a Christian or other religious person who believes in grace and love then you reject the principles of being governed by law.  That was Paul’s message throughout the letter to the Romans.  Whether you believe in the Bible or not I encourage you to read that book in the New Testament.

Without morality change is futile.  The whole reason we create change is for prosperity and moral reasons.  We strive for a happier and healthier lifestyle.  That is the whole sales pitch of the “get rich quick” scams that are so popular but the problems are still corporatism and all of its inherent flaws.

Next I will explain how true change can come about and what we all must do to work towards our personal desires while respecting each others rights and freedoms.

Peace and Blessings,


About Rob

I have over 10 years experience assisting people at looking at their problems and shifting focus so that they can begin to resolve the issues at hand. I don't "practice" psychological principles or homeopathic disciplines, I actually help real people learn how to shift their focus and see things in a different light. A light where they have the power and ability to resolve their issues practically and successfully.
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