Bojan’s Affidavit – Gold Membership Required To Access

Affidavirt gets charge withdrawnBojan recently had the crown prosecutor withdraw the charge of “red light, fail to stop”.  When he first received the ticket a mutual friend asked if they could drop by my house to discuss the matter.  I was more than happy to assist them.

After a couple of hours of me explaining my position on “government” legislation and the corporate policies of CANADA, I gave them a copy of the affidavit that I had used in the past to get the same withdrawal results in other offenses.  Armed with the knowledge I shared and my documentation Bojan and Branko set out to issue their NTFO to the crown prosecutor at an early resolution.

As I predicted the prosecutor sent the matter to trial claiming that they would not and could not withdraw the charge laid by the corporate policy enforcer commonly called a cop.  I assured them that this has been my personal experience in every matter so far.  I’m not sure if the prosecutors actually have the authority to withdraw until the city attorney general tells them to.

As you may have read in my “Hints and Tips” forum, the prosecutor further attempted to threaten Bojan with new DVD evidence the day of the trial and he called me for further advice.  Knowing that any new evidence is inadmissible unless you permit it.  This is because the accused must be provided all evidence early enough to review it and build a defense against it.  After a brief discussion explaining this and that the initial question of jurisdiction has not been answered and advising them to stay the course they went back to the trial.

The final result was exactly the same as I have experienced 3 times personally.  Further, any time the issue of jurisdiction has be

en mentioned or questioned the attorneys always get nervous and jittery.  This is because they never have it but always assume it and if you don’t challenge it then they proceed as if it exists by your silent consent.  In short, when the matter was called the prosecutor immediately requested to withdraw the charge from the justice and the withdrawal was granted.  So without further ado the affidavit Bojan wrote and used is as follows:

Affidavit  of  Bojan  Nxxxxxxx

Here  is  my  affidavit,  demand  for  clarity  and  motion  to  withdraw  the  matter  of  the  alleged  “red  light,  fail  to  stop”  by  BOJAN  NXXXXXXX,

Offence  number:  6nnnnnnL.

I  also  make  it  clear  this  is  not a  private  matter between  me  and  corporation  called  City  of  Toronto  but  it  is  in  fact  a  matter  of  public record.

I  would  like  to  make  it  clear  I  am  attempting  to  settle  the  issue  at  hand  in  honor, administratively,  without  unnecessary  court  appearances  resulting  in  tax  fraud.  Should  I  be  presenting  this  defense  before  the  court,  tribunal  or  a  person  that  does  not  have  the  capacity  of  dealing  with  the  issue  at  hand  then  I  demand  that  this  matter  be  stayed  and  be  brought before  a  court  that  is  capable  regarding  the  issue  herein  called  Superior  Court  of  Justice.

I  was  going  north  on  University  Avenue  around  2:30AM  and  it  was  very  dark  night,  and  the  streetlights  made  it  only  easier  to  see  in  the dark. I  made  a  full  stop  on  a  red  light  at  the  intersection  University  Ave./Dundas  St.  in  downtown  Toronto,  waiting  to  turn  right  on  Dundas  Street  going  east,  so  I  can  go  to  Church  Street  north.  I  stopped,  turned  my  head  right  to  look  for  any  pedestrians  or  bicycle  riders as  I  see  them  all  the  time  as  a  potential  danger  in  my  blind  spot  when  I  drive  through  downtown  Toronto.  Then  I  turned  my  head  left  to  make  sure  there  is  no  other  traffic coming my  way,  be  it  pedestrians,  bicycles  or  any  other  vehicles.  At  this point  I  slowly  proceeded  to  go east  on  Dundas.  As  I  continued  turning  east  I  noticed  a  vehicle  approaching  fast  towards  me  that  appeared  to  be  changing  lanes  through  the  intersection  and  I  abruptly  stopped  my  car  to  avoid  possible  collision.  As  the  vehicle  passed  by  me  uninterrupted  I  noticed  it  was  a taxicab.

For  all  intensive  purposes  to  me  that  matter  is  closed,  as  there  were  no  injured  parties,  no any  damages, and  no  crime  committed.

I  wanted  to  continue  my  journey  to  Church  Street,  after  the  taxi  passed  me  unimpeded;  the  police  officer  forced  me  against  my  will  to stop. The  police  officer  came  out  of  her  vehicle  and  approached  my  driver  side  telling  me  that  I  am  being  audio  recorded.  I  said  that  is  ok  and tried  to  explain  to  her  to  best  of  my  ability  what  happened.  And  then  she,  in  my  opinion,  made  a  quick  sarcastic  smile  and  demanded  my driver  license  and  car  ownership.  I  informed  her  again  that  I  made  a  full  stop  on  a  red  light  but  she  ignored  me  and  went  back  to  her vehicle.  After  approximately  10 minutes  she  came  back  and  issued  me  a  bill  of  exchange  (a  ticket,  Offence  number:  6nnnnnnL).  In  the  fear of being  taken  down  to  the  station,  if  refuse  to  take  the  bill  of  exchange,  I  accepted  the  bill  and  continued  my  journey.  As  I  did  not  want  any confrontation  with  a  police  officer  with  the  gun  on  her  side,  and  for  the  lack  of  evidence  I  am  assuming  her  gun  was  loaded,  I  did  not want  to  address  to  following  issue with  the  officer.

The  issue  is,  I  was  operating  in  a  private  capacity  outside  jurisdiction  of  Canada  or  any  of  its  affiliate  provinces,  territories  or  jurisdictions. According  to  Charter  of  Rights  and  Freedoms  (CCRF)  and  specifically  sections  32  and  52,  and  clarified  by  the  Canadian  Heritage  website  that  the  charter  only  applies  to  the  governments  and  not  to  private  individuals,  business  or  other  organizations  which  is  the  capacity  I operate  under  at  ALL  times.

With  my  declaration  above  I  now  address  the  matter  at  hand  and  demand  that,  if  the  Crown claims  to the  contrary,  that  they  provide  to me any  and  all  documents  in  writing  to  prove their  standing:

I.  Proof  of  Claim  in  the  matter  that  I  was  operating  as  an  agent  of  the  government  and performing  a  specific  function  of  government  at  the time  of  the  alleged  offence  in  anymanner  including  but  not  limited  to  pay  statements,  contracts,  or  witnesses  such  as supervisors  or  work schedules  since  it  is  clearly  stated  in  section  32  of  The  Canadian Charter  of  Rights  and  Freedoms  (CCRF),  (exhibit  A)  and  clarified  by  the Canadian  Heritage website  that  the  charter  only  applies  to  governments,  and  not  to  private  individuals, businesses  or  other  organizations (exhibit  B)  which  is  the  capacity  I  operate  under  at  ALL  times;

II.  Should  the  above  not  be  able  to  be  provided  then  I  demand  proof  that  somehow  the CCRF  is  not  the  supreme  law  in  Canada  as declared  in  section  52  (exhibits  A  &  C)  and that  somehow  the  Ontario  Highway  Traffic  Act  supersedes  the  CCRF.

III.  In  the  event  that  the  previous  two  (2)  items  cannot  be  proven  and thus  the  CCRF  and  the  Ontario  Highway  Traffic  Act  while  in  full force  and  effect  do  not  apply  in  this  matter,  then  there  must  be  damage  or  injury  that  occurred  from  my  actions.  As  such  I  then  demand  evidence  of  such  damage  or  injury  and  the  injured  party  be  brought  forth  so  I  may  have  the  opportunity  to  settle  the  dispute  privately before  being  brought  before  the  proper  court  called  The  Superior  Court  of  Justice;

IV.  Should  none  of  the  above  be  proven  I  then  demand  Proof  that  somehow  the  Prosecutor  in  this  matter  has  full  lawful  authority  to randomly  take  private  individuals  and  process  them  and  “fine”  them  despite  the  previously  requested  evidence  and  that  jurisdiction  of  the  prosecutor  encompasses  myself  in  such  a  manner.  I  do  NOTconsent  to  being  regulated  by  statutes  whose  sole  purpose  is  to  regulate  a  corporation  that  I  do  not  currently  work  for.  Nor  do  I  have  full  comprehension  and  understanding  of  the  corporate  standards  governing  the Corporation  of  Canada  or  any  of  its  subsidiary  Provinces,  Territories  or  districts  such  as  the  City  of  Toronto.In  the  event  that  any  of  the previously  demanded  actions  cannot  be  proven  by  the  parties  representing  the  Corporate  CITY  OF  TORONTO,  then  I  demand  that  the matter  be  withdrawn  without  the  expense  of  court  services  and  costs.

Sincerely  and  without  malice  aforethought,  ill  will,  vexation  or  frivolity.

Sworn before me in the City of Toronto in the Province of Ontario this ____ day of ______ 2014:


Bojan Nxxxxxxx





1. Sxxxxx Jxxxxxxx


Date: _______________

2. Axxxxx Bxxx Rxx


Date: _______________

3. Branko Axxxxxxxxxx




 If you study the above document you will notice several specific styling and authority methods used to make statements without vocalizing them.  Such things as not being the all caps name but rather being the grantor and sole equitable contributor to the legal person.  Using three (3) witnesses instead of a notary and qualifying the signature.  Should you have any questions regarding this document don’t hesitate to ask me as it is based on my own affidavits.  Remember that this will get the prosecutor very upset and uttering threats but that is all they are.  It is like using a hammer to kill a fly and they work very well.

Further, if you are outside of Canada the principles are the same and this can be adapted for your country no matter if it be US, UK, or any other.


About Rob

I have over 10 years experience assisting people at looking at their problems and shifting focus so that they can begin to resolve the issues at hand. I don't "practice" psychological principles or homeopathic disciplines, I actually help real people learn how to shift their focus and see things in a different light. A light where they have the power and ability to resolve their issues practically and successfully.
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  1. Great stuff! Thanks for sharing!

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