
affidavit3Many people have contacted me asking what my affidavit looks like that I have submitted to the courts to obtain my three (3) withdrawals by the crown prosecutors.  I attempted to post it as a downloadable pdf file but for some odd reason that I haven’t sorted out yet it always requires a password.

In keeping the security of my site but still disclosing the information on what I wrote and the challenges I brought before the crown I will copy and past the sanitized version below.  As always I am open for assistance and questions regarding how and why this method works.

Without any further a due here it is.  I hope you enjoy it and find it useful.

Affidavit of Your Name Here

Herein is my affidavit, demand for clarity, and motion to withdraw regarding the matter of the alleged “Drive with seat belt removed” by LAST, FIRST I., Offence number: 1234567X.
I also make it clear that this is not a private matter between me and the corporation called the City of Kitchener but is in fact a matter of public record.
I would like to make clear I am attempting to settle the issue at hand in honor, administratively, without unnecessary court appearances resulting in tax fraud. Should I be presenting this defence before a court, tribunal or person that does not have the capacity of dealing with the issues at hand then I demand that this matter be stayed and brought before a court that is capable regarding the issues herein called the Superior Court of Justice.
I was approaching the red light at the corner of Frederick and Victoria St North when Constable Close passed me, did a U-Turn and pulled up beside me. He looked at me and asked “Did you just put your seat belt on?” I looked at my seat belt and then at him and simply replied “Maybe.” Constable Close then asked me to pull over after the light turned green and I did. He immediately approached my driver’s side door and requested my Driver’s License to which I asked “Am I obligated to testify against myself by providing you with a Driver’s License?” He then stated that I was obligated to provide him with the requested documents. I asked Constable Close if he was familiar with the Charter of Rights and Freedoms (CCRF) and specifically sections 32 and 52. He stated that he was but that the CCRF was irrelevant in this case and that I was obligated to provide him with the documents requested, a fact that I do not believe to be true as I can find no documents where it states that private individuals are obligated to identify themselves in any manner when not breaching the peace or committing any crime. At this time it became clear to me that Constable Close intended to continue to aggressively trespass on my Human Rights by continuing to detain me without cause and threatening me with forcible arrest. It is also obvious to me that Constable Close acted without regard for my unalienable rights as recognized in the Canadian Bill of Rights in this matter and threatened assault and kidnapping (rights to liberty and security of the person) forcing me to operate under duress at the time of the stop. I attempted to make clear to him that I was in fact operating in a private capacity outside the jurisdiction of CANADA or any of its affiliate
provinces, territories or jurisdictions, however, by threats of kidnapping by force I was coerced into testifying against myself involuntarily as can be evidenced by audio recording in my possession.
I also wish to make clear that I hold personally liable ANY individual who violates or trespasses on my God given unalienable rights and reserve the right to prosecution and settlement before a competent court of equity which has jurisdiction to hear such matters called the Superior
Court of Justice.
With my declaration above I now address the matter at hand and demand that, if the Crown claims to the contrary, that they provide to me any and all documents in writing to prove their standing:
I. Proof of Claim in the matter that I was operating as an agent of the government and
performing a specific function of government at the time of the alleged offence in any
manner including but not limited to pay statements, contracts, or witnesses such as
supervisors or work schedules since it is clearly stated in section 32 of The Canadian
Charter of Rights and Freedoms, from here on in called CCRF, (exhibit A) and clarified by
the Canadian Heritage website that the charter only applies to governments, and not to
private individuals, businesses or other organizations (exhibit B) which is the capacity I
operate under at ALL times;
II. Should the above not be able to be provided then I demand proof that somehow the
CCRF is not the supreme law in Canada as declared in section 52 (exhibits A & C) and
that somehow the Ontario Highway Traffic Act supersedes the CCRF as declared clearly
by Constable Shawn Close;

III. In the event that the previous two (2) items cannot be proven and thus the CCRF and the Ontario Highway Traffic Act while in full force and effect do not apply in this matter, then there must be damage or injury that occurred from my actions. As such I then demand evidence of such damage or injury and the injured party be brought forth so I may have the opportunity to settle the dispute privately before being brought before the proper court called The Superior Court of Justice;
IV. Should none of the above be proven I then demand Proof that somehow the Prosecutor in this matter has full lawful authority to randomly take private individuals and process them and “fine” them despite the previously requested evidence and that jurisdiction of the prosecutor encompasses myself in such a manner.
Further I state that if the court desires that I appear in any capacity before them and makes an offer to contract, then I accept that offer should they provide me with payment for my services a fee of $500 / hour (or any portion thereof) with a 4 hr minimum deposit for my time totaling a fee of $2000 in advance with possible further fees required should my presence be required longer than 4 hrs. I will also require a liability waiver for prosecution under statutes, because I do NOT consent to being regulated by statutes whose sole purpose is to regulate a corporation that I do not currently work for. Nor do I have full comprehension and understanding of the corporate standards governing the Corporation of Canada or any of its subsidiary Provinces, Territories or districts such as the City of Kitchener.
In the event that any of the previously demanded actions cannot be proven by the parties representing the Corporate CITY OF KITCHENER, then I demand that the matter be withdrawn without the expense of court services and costs.
Sincerely and without malice aforethought, ill will, vexation or frivolity,

Sworn before me in the City of Your Town in the Province of Ontario this ____ day of ______ 2013:
_____________________________________ Date: _______________


Your Name Here




About Rob

I have over 10 years experience assisting people at looking at their problems and shifting focus so that they can begin to resolve the issues at hand. I don't "practice" psychological principles or homeopathic disciplines, I actually help real people learn how to shift their focus and see things in a different light. A light where they have the power and ability to resolve their issues practically and successfully.
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  1. Good work, Rob.
    I too have my disputes with the courts. Your system is as good as any.
    I am applying such techniques with my claims against CRA and the Police. I will keep you apprised with any successes I may have.
    (Wish me luck!)

  2. to long winded
    i, a man, commonly known as Allan:(Doe);
    claim wrongful trespass upon property of i;

  3. It is good for education BUT way too much work and effort.
    A simple Refuse for Cause.
    or i; a man, believe i have no obligation or contract and require immediate discharge.

    BTW Thanks for what you do and being a man.

    • I have taken that approach as well demanding a valid “cause of action” and also had success so yes I agree with your ideas on that.

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